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MYYO Technique

Living Life Painlessly


MYYO Training

MYYO Technique is a unique modality and MYYO Practitioners are trained according to specific professional standards of practice, as determined by the MYYO Association.

To qualify and be a registered MYYO Practitioner - the following trainings are compulsory:


1. MYYO Practitioner Training: (Practical Modules 1 & 2)

Module1:This module is the basis of the MYYO technique. The students learn mainly how to apply pressure to specific points within muscles, combined with simple stretching and/or yoga postures, which releases trigger points and tension, alleviates pain and helps treat various ailments and body discomfort. By releasing muscles, it may also re-align spinal vertebrae, correct joint misalignments, and is useful for sports injuries, scoliosis, sprains, chronic fatigue, other stress and tension, and complaints such as headaches, neck and back pain, repetitive strain and other injuries, post-surgery and arthritis, among others.

Module 2: This module follows on from Module 1. The MYYO Practitioner is able to help people who are experiencing pain, whether physical, emotional, or mental. To be completely effective, the advanced techniques learned in this MYYO Module 2 training are essential. A MYYO Professional Practitioner includes working holistically on the deeper levels of the client, which thus clears all forms of pain.


2. Additional MYYO Online Modules (E-Learning)
The student can start with these modules and complete them in their own time. The cost of each module is individually priced.

1. Principles of Holistic & Natural Health (including Basic Nutrition)
2. Anatomy & Physiology
3. Kinesiology and Biomechanics of Human Movement
4. Communication & Counselling Skills
5. Business Setup & Practice Ethics

Application for MYYO Practitioner
1. Complete and send Application form - download file
2. Modules 1 & 2 must be paid for in total.
3. The Online Modules can be purchased individually here.


3. AnandaPrana Technique
This module is a stand alone training for anyone wanting to help clients with a simple effective healing method. Read more about this technique here.



Training Dates

Contact Us for more information about our upcoming trainings.

MYYO Association

The MYYO Technique Association of SA (MTASA) controls the mode of practice of practitioners, and is governed by its constitution, by which all practitioners are bound. The purpose of the constitution is to maintain high professional standards of practice which ensure public safety. It provides a code of ethics, a framework to keep practitioners functioning within the scope of practice and disciplinary powers to deal with misconduct. The MYYO Association was established in September 2013 and is a member of COCHASA (Confederation of Complementary Health Associations of South Africa).

The Association holds an annual educational conference which includes the general meeting and the election of the members. In addition updated workshops and seminars are arranged, as the constitution requires that practitioners attend a minimum of five hours of continuing education yearly.

MYYO Graduates receive a registration number from MTASA, which confers membership of the association in the country in which they are resident. The members that make up the MYYO Association are dedicated to helping you back to a pain free life. We have the expertise to help you become healthy, active, productive, and "Live Life Painlessly".


Members Area

January 2019